Who is The Absolute Outsider?

Zagreb, Croatia, Croatia
I'm a freshman in college and currently running two blogs in English, one on Wordpress and this one on Blogger. Both of them are educational blogs focusing on international student college applications.


Step 2 - Define what field you want to study in.

This is a very important step that defines your future career. Consider it with regards. You must have wished already to work in a certain field in future. If so, look the facts about that field up in the Academics section on every university's webpage. Intoduce yourself to your wishing field of study. Use the internet, magazines or else.

For example, I was interested in studying in the field of economics or business. Firstly I wanted to find out the difference between those two. I have been reading magazines like The Economist, croatian business magazines like Lider (Leader) and Business.hr. It was helpful to get to know what those fields are about. In brief, economics is a study focused on the theory of economic systems, while business administration foucuses on applying those systems in business enterprise. I chose eventually business administration.
It's a good way to include lots of factors to support your choice. Thus you won't be able to regret in future. Take your time. Consult with your parents, friends, relatives or acquaintances, who you admire or find successful. It has taken me a lot of thinking to make my decision and also a lot of time; a couple of months. I still revise my choice from time to time.
So, visit some university's webpage, go through the schools, departments, programs, courses and define your career path. For example, http://www.gonzaga.edu/Academics/Colleges-and-Schools/default.asp, or http://academics.usc.edu/.

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